The SUBTILIJA is a leading death care supplies manufacturer in Baltic states from 1995
We produce burial clothing and body bags. Over these years, we have learned extensively about the death care industry and the needs of funeral directors and all the various suppliers to the industry. As a family business, we are committed to the long-term preservation of the company and long-term value creation for our shareholders. We are committed to sustainable growth. We achieve this by continuously developing ourselves.
Our employees are the basis of our success. Through their targeted further training in all areas, we not only support the individual but also guarantee the successful further development of the entire group. In this way, we can live up to our responsible tasks today and in the future.
Using successful concepts across borders – that drives us forward. Because decisive for the lead over the competition is constructive cooperation across national borders.
We learn from each other across Europe every day by expanding our “best practice sharing” and promoting cross-departmental thinking. At the same time, we are very close to the market. This enables us to react flexibly and quickly to the specific local requirements.
We are a reliable partner for all questions relating to deathcare and funeral service. A partnership and open cooperation with each other as well as with customers and suppliers is very important to us. We are constantly developing – at the same time we remain true to ourselves. Thanks to our stable shareholder structure, we can pursue a sustainable corporate strategy.
In addition to the legal standards, we are committed to the sustainable development of our organization. Our strategy for success is to achieve the greatest possible profitability by using resources efficiently. Ethically correct and fair dealing with business partners, competitors and our employees is a matter of course for us at all times. Together with our employees, we shape our future and pursue sustainable and fair corporate management for long-term success.


Our Strategy
We align our actions to customer needs. Because if our customers are successful, we also benefit. Excellent performance is our success factor. On the one hand, this means that we strive for the highest possible quality in our daily work, on the other hand, we are guided by a high level of cost awareness. We also do this because we take our ecological and social responsibility very seriously.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be the best-integrated death care supplies manufacturer in Europe. For us, this means that we can offer each customer group the optimal services and products along the entire deathcare value chain.
Our Values
We do what we say. You can rely on our services with the best possible quality standards. Because we promote the individual skills, potential and motivation of our employees so that we can further improve the services for our customers.